Feeling stressed out? Research shows that sexual activity lowers blood pressure and reduces mild anxiety and depression.
A orgasm per day can keep the doctor away! Healthy intercourse can boost the immune system.
Use lube to increase not just sensitivity but also orgasm frequency (source).
Your location lesbian barista is having more orgasms than everyone else. A study that looked at sexual orientation and orgasm frequency found that heterosexual women climaxed 61.6 percent of the time, while homosexual women climaxed 74.7 percent of the time and bisexual women climaxed 58 percent of the time.
Oh, and Republicans, redheads, and granny experiences the big O on average more than the general population too (source).
Are you low-carb and low cal? Well, Lady Luck has your number as semen contains just 36 calories in one teaspoon according to Ask Alice at Columbia.edu.
According to a University of Texas study cited by Men's Health, the best time to have sex for men is right after a workout as testosterone is high and for women, blood flow to the genital area is also high. Get your groove on!
...and there are a few lucky folks who experience exercise induced orgasms as well.
Christian, Right-Wingers also love porn according to a study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior. American states that identify as more religious and conservative are also more apt to search for sex online.
Thirty-four percent of men say that they have faked an orgasm according to a 2012 AskMen.com survey. Reason for this range from a disorder known as Delayed Ejaculation Disorder to social pressure.
Ever been head over heels in love? Love makes for better sex according to Penn State sociologist, Beth Montemurro.
Condoms do not affect pleasure as much as guy's like to say that it does. Guys and girls play it safe and wrap it up (source).
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